

Jennifer Kreager is a Christian University graduate, pastor’s wife, and whole bible believing disciple of Yahweh. Jennifer grew up in a non-denominational church where she accepted the Gospel of grace through faith in Jesus. Through continued study, she discovered that all Scripture is profitable for training us in righteous living and teaching us how to walk just like our Savior (who kept the Sabbath and didn’t eat pork.)


Jennifer zealously seeks the truth and aims to speaks it at every opportunity. She is passionate about discipling others in what it means to actively follow Jesus as a daily practice. Jennifer is not Jewish, Muslim, or Seventh Day Adventist but as a grafted-in member of Israel, she desires to live like her Messiah, who kept His Father’s commands.

As an artist by heart, Jennifer desires to reach others for God’s kingdom through every avenue God has so graciously equipped her with. Jennifer has authored the book Press On Like Paul to encourage and equip believers in the faith. Jennifer is also an award winning and internationally published photographer serving families for over 10 years by preserving their most intimate moments. Jennifer is also available for speaking opportunities.


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