This is a list of ministries that I respect and support. As with anything, there is no way to agree perfectly with everything someone else posts. So this list should not be considered a blanket endorsment. Even those listed below will not always 100% agree with eachother. “Test everything, hold fast to what is true.” 1 Thess 5:21
119 Ministries
“Our Mission is to: 1. Test Everything including ourselves, both popular and unpopular doctrine, and consequently reveal and promote His [God’s] eternal truth while encouraging all others to do the same. 2. Provide a vehicle to disseminate Yahweh's truth and the whole Word of God to help others also seek, teach and live out the truth of the Word. 3. Serve the Body of the Messiah by offering free, testable, easily sharable, quality teachings for you and your house.”
David Wilber
“David Wilber is an author, Bible teacher, and CEO of Pronomian Publishing LLC. He has written several books and numerous theological articles, with his work appearing in outlets such as the Christian Post and the American Journal of Biblical Theology. David has spoken at churches and conferences across the nation and has served as a researcher and Bible teacher for a number of Messianic and Christian ministries.”
Torah Class
“What makes Torah Class different from other Bible studies? Is it the Hebrew Heritage approach of Scripture understanding? Is it the multi-disciplinary approach that includes original languages, Bible and Middle Eastern history, study of the ancient cultures, and a literal word-by-word interpretation? Is it Tom’s conversational style of teaching that makes Old and New Testaments accessible, interesting, and understandable for all? It’s this and more, so journey with us through God’s Word and discover true intimacy with the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.”
Torah Family
“ is dedicated to seeking, teaching, and living out the whole truth of the Word. Our purpose is to constantly seek and bring the Word to families in all nations. We desire to help families unlearn false teachings and traditions of men, and equip them to grow in the Word. In this, we hope to convey how to live and practice the Word as originally intended.”
Leaving Churchianity
“This podcast is designed to educate and encourage you to success in your Christian walk by dispelling all doubts about God and the Bible. We will help you shed the glasses of inherited religion by removing the confusion, divisions & errors that christianity has accumulated over the last 4,000 years - so you can see the "Narrow Path" clearly and experience the abundant life.”
Homeschooling Torah
“Our goal is to help your entire family study together — to raise up children grounded in the Torah and firmly committed to Yeshua as Messiah. Our comprehensive curriculum allows your family to read together, study together, and grow together… and instead of costing $800 or more per child, you can teach from preschool to high school for an affordable price — and center all your teachings on the Scriptures!”