How to Stay Sane During Quarantine | 2020 Corona Virus COVID-19
I can think of worse things than being forced to spend time with my family in a warm house stocked with carbs 🤷🏻♀️.
But I know that this time of enduring, and attempting to slow down the spread of, the corona virus (COVID-19) is not a vacation free from concern.
I realize that many don’t know if they’ll continue to be paid, continue to be able to pay bills, continue to be able to afford the lifestyle they’ve been used to.
Even those of you in less dire circumstances still worry if you’re
cleaning enough,
teaching your children enough,
doing ALL the things..enough.
Our blue ribbon society would want me to tell you that as long as you love your family and you’re doing your best, then the answer is a resounding “YES!!”
But, would it shock you to know that you (and I) are most definitely not enough?
You can never do enough. And you will never be enough.
Many times, after a long day of attempting to keep up with the Joneses, you’ll let out a long sigh, wonder where you went wrong, and try to come up with a feeble game plan for making tomorrow “better.”
But tomorrow will be more of the same.
Because, no matter how great you are at covering up those grown out roots that haven’t seen a stylist in weeks, you will never be “enough” on your own.
But there is Hope.
Praise God, we can know The One who fill us!
The One who sustains us!
The One who fights for little ol’ us!!!
We’re all facing this uncertain time through the lenses of our own unique circumstances. But one thing that remains the same across the board is that we simply can not do this alone.
Each day we must choose to surrender our deep seeded need be the best homeschool mom, the most sanitized house on the street, the parent with the never ending list of entertaining children’s activities. And instead, look to our Sustainer.
Some days we’ll feel like we nailed it! But more often than not, we will fall amazingly and annoyingly short of our own expectations for ourselves. The great news is, our Savior doesn’t expect perfection like we do, He expects submission.
If you already know Christ as your sustainer then all you have to do is remember His promises and proclaim them over yourselves and your family! Pretty simple right?! (And if you don’t, message me! I can hook you Up!)
It will greatly improve your productivity and mood with a 1000% money back guarantee! Most importantly it will realign your spirit with His, allowing your true priorities to fall into place.
Some Beautiful Promises from the Scriptures:
“I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him until that day.”
“You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.”
“We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”
What wonderful and encouraging promises to rely on in such a scary and unknown world!
Even when you feel as if you’re falling desperately short of human expectation (yours, your boss’s, your spouse’s) look to your sustainer, read His promises over yourself, and finish out the day with a passion in your gut to please the only One who matters.
Tip #2
Another tip that will help your very busy, very full house run more smoothly and with less stress is to
intentionally setting aside time to really SEE your children.
In my experience, children that don’t feel seen are usually more prone to acting out or being generally more agitating.
Because they want our attention!! Our eyes!
An easy way to help your kids feel seen (and still keep your sanity) is to whip out your phone!
Bet your already have it out. ✅
When I say phone, I really mean the camera on your phone! Or go get your real camera!
These are unprecedented days, filled will unprecedented amounts of family time that I Promise you will miss when things go back to normal.
So document it.
Document your love story in all of its crazy, messy, way-too-hyper-from-being-cooped-up Glory!
Because if you don’t, who will?
Tips for Photographing Your Crazy Clan!
1.) Follow the light! Preferably natural sun light! This means move close to a window, turn off the over heads, or go outside!
2.) Raise your shutter speed (passed 400!) This helps reduce motion blur and accommodates those moving bodies flying off the second story bunk bed!
3.) Move your feet! Try up fun angles and different sides! Get a picture of the whole pillow fight, but don’t be scared to get up close to the action.
Now go find your Bible and your camera. Take your fears to God and allow Him to pour His love and peace All over you. Once you have what you need, whip out your camera and pass that love on to your children. And I assure you, you will fall asleep tonight knowing that, with Him, you were more than enough.
“ I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”